Friday, November 6, 2009

6 Nov 2009: John Seeley Brown

Group Study - Social Learning
Gradepoint average = predictors of "success"
We don't seem to ask deep questions about waht leads to sccess

The best market right now is for home schooling
People are desperate for content
Univ of Phoenix owned by Apollo (3B to 8B in the last 3 months)

There is a growing hunger right now for tools
People are fed up with what is not happening
Most universities don't enable teachers to help sutdents
BYU is great because it focuses on students

How important will certificates be in the future?
Instead, we'll be asked to show a portfolio of what has been done.
Render public our best stuff
People will want to know your ideas and what you've written through a highly intelligent conversation

"I've never looked at a transcript. I hire people based on what they've done. You learn in school how to play the game."

"The best kind of education is travel."
"Powerful byproduct of an LDS mission is the travel and extracurricular experience. You come back a changed person."

How do we institutionalize afterschool programs?
If you want to specialize in a certain area, travel to the place where the gurus are.
Worry less about certificates and degrees and more about what you're learning.

"personal research interests include the management of radical innovation, digital youth culture, digital media, and new forms of communication and learning."

* Submit articles to be published
* Mitch = take photos of his homes
* Check to see who else is doing this open ed resourcses for development?
* Beta release

World of Warcraft
- A massively multi-player online game (MMOG)
- Everquest
- Virtual spaces which both define and are defined by the players who inhabit them
- Social spaces where issues of community, meaning, and values are negotiated
- Sites of joint collective agency

* Classic meaning of community of practice
- joint work through face to face work
- average age is 28
- multigenerational, three generations (grandparents, parents, and kids)

* "The edge" = is often referred to as a knowledge economy
* To see the value of games, don't just look at the core of the game, but pay close attention to the 'social life' on the edge of the game.

* Manageing Knowledge in Creation Spaces
- Structure of filtering and feedback loops
- Problem: Knowledge is constantly changing
- Problem: too much information to reliably manage
- Guild structures allow for small groups (20-200) to test, filter, and disseminate information
- Mantra of WoW: "If I ain't learning, it ain't fun"
- Wikis, blogs, databases, blizzard forums, videos (tens of thousands of new entries a day)
- Helps players gain and create knowledge exponentially faster

Layering of Information Management
* Intra-guild communication
- Officers/Leaders to members
- Performance reviews

* guild to Guild communication
- High level strategy/discussion
- Joint problem solving
- Shared reousrces

* Dissemination and "bragging rights"

Dashboards and After Action Reviews
- WoW is way too complicated to play without complex analysis tools and dashboards
- These dashboards are nearly always ahndcrafted by each player & key to masterful play
- Static images are hugely simplified
- Will then show you waht they are like in real action
- 360 review: leaders are evaluated on same level as the others
- Born gamers: I want to be measured & I want to craft how I'm measured (last thing that employers ever expected to hear)
- People are playing through their dashboards, not through graphics, and these are largely constructed by themselves
- Exponential Learning (Palo Alto Resrach Center - PARC)- Trust-based INTERACTIONS amond environments are integral for Exponential Learning (Optimizing eh most expensive resource - people)

Triangle = Networks of imaginagion
1) Networked imagination (top of triangle = emergent from collective action)
2) Networks of Practice (bottom left of triangle = networks of practice)
3) Communities of Interest (bottom right of triangle = communities of interest)

State of joint in-dwelling
Platform of tacit knowledge across a virtual domain

Revlutionizing Yahoo and Google
A manager's job is to facilitate the poacher
find the best skll in the area - vote with your feet
people with the right project (seduction is okay and even encouraged)
you go there because you think that you can learn more there than any place in the universe

Every person in Google now has dashboards
Render public your knowledge and be accountable to what you say you'd do

Kindle (underline and annotate anything you read)

Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation (Cheif of Confusion)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Data mining
focuses on discovering novel information from large amounts of data

Education Data Mining (EDM)
focuses on developing methods for using ed data

Instructional Architect (
Data sources
Data analysis
Tools for teachers to create proejcts, share with public (or only students)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

22 Oct 2009: Mary Cook "More Fit for the Kingdom, More Used Would I Be"

What choices are helping me to be more fit for the kingdom?
How has the Lord used me for his purposes?
How can I do better?

Through agency we can make many choices to be better teachers and better parents.
Never overestimate your abilities; never underestimate what the Lord can do with your life.

We are here to build the kingdom of God

You will become a great asset to your family, your church and your community

Focus on character, conduct and citizenship.

As teachers, we have an incredibe influence in the community.

Choose the skills you wan to focus on.

D&C 88: Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you -
WHAT? Things which are at home, things which are abroad, the wars and perplexities of the world; we are to learn as much as we can
WHY? That you may be prepared when I send you again for the calling with which I have called you

How to find out:
Patriarchal blessing

Influence of teaching on motherhood
maternal education is closely tied to maternal sensitivity
strongest and most consistent predictor of a child's emotional, social, and intellectual devpmt
we are in the business of educating future mothers
sister cook never had her own biological children

Elder L. Tom Perry asked Sister Dalton to emphasize what we should teach
recognize that motherhood is a sacred role given by God
we must be those righteous role models so our children know and learn these skills
respect, cooking, cleaning

she was assigned to mongolia just after russians pulled out; just living took a great portion of my day

The more education someone has, the more likely to gain a testimony, serve in church callings, serve in leadership callings
Her husband: managing director of the PEF
In order to be a leader in the church, you need to have discretionary time!
10% of bishops were graduates of PEF
"They're sending missionaries to Mongolia? This must be the end of the world?"

I was the key to open b/c of education skills (esp in special ed), but my husband was the one to open door with all the govt leaders (volunteered in govt) - one year later they opened the door for missionary work later. He became mission president there. (Gerald Rogers, Natalie Romrell)

General Asst Controller at Ford, CPA (but never practiced) - Arthur Anderson doing accounting in Mongolia

Learn how to teach teachers to be better teachers
Do whatever possible to give praise wherever I see it
Cultivate love and righteousness
Be an instrument in His hands

It is our unique opportunity to serve in the community and be an influence for good
Alma 36
Title of Liberty
As teachers, we must build our own titles of liberty.
We must be free from spot.
We must raise our banner.
How many teachers have criminal records?
Our banner is to raise the eyes of others as they see the integrity of church members.

We must know the doctrines and clarify truth.

More fit for the kingdom, more used will I be.
51% of people interviewed don't know about Mormons
47% don't have a favorable view
31% view Mormons as Christians

My impressions:
Help me to know thy will, Heavenly Father. I will serve where you want me to be. Help me to know when to get pregnant. Help me to be open. I will serve where you want me to be. Help me cultivate the skills you want me to have. Help me offer the best gift I can - my gift, my unique abilities, my personality, my will, my heart. I will place these on the altar, dear Father.

We need to go to the temple
We need to read the scriptures more
We need to say our prayers with more clarity and direction
We need to be more financially fit
I need to be more prayerful as I seek direction about how to spend my time, talents, money

Listen First
Know the Doctrine (especially the facts! and live the facts!)
Live the Standard
Be Good Neighbors (What have I done kind for someone today?
Open our Mouths (Declare, Testify, Show/Be belief)
Extend Invitations (Include, Open up, Share)
Be Bodl, But Not Overbearing

Integrity (wholeness/completeness of what we know and what we do)
Be on your guard (sexual involvement with students? it's crazy! be on your guard)
People are not living virtuous lives - they need to learn this from teachers in schools!

We cannot teach religion in schools
But, we can make our own banner
We can be a good example and live what we believe

Stand where you stand
Certificates can help because they might acknowledge you more
Those who know, know - you won't need degrees for the smartest of people
We need degrees for those who don't know

Education of any and every type will help you be more used by the Lord
be a humble servant and you will be more used by the Lord
How great reason have we to rejoice!
Could we have know that, when we started from this land (of Bountiful, of Provo) that we would see such great blessings?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 Oct 2009: Stephanie Allen

Stephanie Allen
Working for LDS Church (Digital Media Division of Audio Visual Department)
Center for Teaching and Learning

How do we capture emerging technology and "share the message"?
For you? Youth, new members, potential members etc.

Aaron Lower (Missionary Dept) - exhibits and kiosks in visitors cetners etc.
Outdoor street kiosk (2012 Olympics) - outside Hyde Park

Scott Olsen
26 years
Web media group
Crowd sourcing - video, audio from conference (300 files) and needs to get up online (tagged, named etc) - let members sign up and resize and tag - getting members involved
How to con members into doing work for you for free

Jim Anderson
Web Media Producer
Media arts & film program
Internet media marketing - new ways to get the message of the gospel out & reach new audiences
Next generation "next gen" of
Video testimony wall & user-generated content

Bob Jones
Audio-Visual Dept - graduated in media message devpt and research
How can we use the social media market to engage more folks?

Google Wave

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

8 Oct 2009: Rick Cline (Utah Education Network)

Is Instructional Design and State Government an Oxymoron?

It just depends on how it's implemented

Syllogism: a logical argument in which a decision is inferred from two premises
- 1) libraries provide and maintain a collection of information for peple to use
- 2) online databases are collections of records stored in computers for people to use
- conflict: many people don't know how to use computers to access libraries
- solution: find a way for library patrons to become aware of and use the onine databases

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grameen Bank Bangladesh

Mohammed Yunus
"People know what they want to produce. Money plays the trick. If you assume the poor person is unskilled then she won't be able to do what she needs to do. But, she has skills and she has 101 ideas to make money. ...I can do better than that person."

"I have no money. Without capital I will die."

general loan - small business
women can work. this is why we give women money.
we don't give loans to the mena.
"if women go to the meetings, this is against Islam"
if you want to do this and your husband gives permission, come back tomorrow
money given to women goes more to the family than the when given to the men

"From an islamic point of view, the Grameen Bank is illegal. .. it charges interest, it encourages Islamic women to go out and be seen in public. It has destoryed traditional familiy ties

Before teh Grameen bank, my moneylending business was doing great. now nobody comes to me. It has ruined my business... people said my interest rate was too high. They said, you chanrge too much. ..I was here before Grameen bank. I never forced you to borrow from me.

They charge 20% per month (money lenders) Grameen Bank is less.

Grameen Bank founded for people who don't own land. Eligibility conditions - only people who are landless and poor. You join a club. Condition of being poor is a condition only as entry point. If you have land you can borrow form othe banks.

Conventional banks have concept of collateral to keep poor people out. They are anti-poor and anti-women.

If one of the members cannot pay, the rest of us will pay. we are responsible for the people in the group. We help each other in difficult times.

A problem was people who did not start their business but used the money up for themselves.
We can only help someone like that for a short period.

"Women should not be seen in public. Allah does not want them to go out in public. They should listen to the Koran. allah has sai, I will put them in hell... If you take money on profit, that is interest. you're not allowed to take money. You can take goods, not money. That's illegal. Do you understand?"

We pay interest in instalments to the gentleman.

"One, Two. One, Two, One, Two. Aram. (Relax) Unity, Work, Discipline, that is our way of life. Grameen Bank has come. Grameen Bank light has come, spread it to every house. We will observe discipline. We will not leave Grameen Bank."

"They must not sing and dance to get the money." We were frightened by others. They teased us. My husband will not allow me to join because they dance.

They must conduct a market nventory: What do you want to do for your work. If you have a cow, how will you pay it back? Bamboo work and a goat may generate more money.

"You must learn to write your name to get the money. You may not put a fingerprint."

"Most borrowers never had a chance to go to school. She gets to excited when she learns how to spell her name. A tremendous amount of satisfaction comes with learning how to spell her name!"

A lot of false ideas. This is an effort to Chistianize. People believe it to be a threat against Islam.

"It is a tremendous feeling for her to have money. She has never handled money in her life. The person who joins Grameen. In one year, she is almost unrecognizable."

She learns to bargain, she learns to advocate for heself.

Today, there are 45 countris around the world doing these programs. This is the way it goes on. More an dmore opportunities to help people. plannign a People's summit on microcredit.

people threatened me. they said they bank would come get me and throuw me into the river.
If a wife keeps her husband happy, prays five times a day, fasts regularly, when she dies, she goes traight to Allah's heaven. But, if she goes out, she loses her favor. A jackfruit consists of many sweet parts. if you separate teh parts adn take them to the market, the flies will get them and nobody will get them. Teh parts have become worthless. In order to retain their sweetness, they must stay inside.

"We do not travel naked. We go by workshaw. We have to work to survive." (Borrower) If they don't allow us to join the bank, will they feed us?

The men used to work in teh fireld. The men are not doing anything now. The women do the work.

- poor are skilled
- poor are willing to work
- key philosophies: group work, unity, discipline, work (they are not poor b/c they're lazy)
- trusting the power of women to make a difference
- finance is underpinned by TRUST that poor undereducated women can receive and be responsible with a loan b/c of skills, ideas, work, and desire to help their family
- overcoming community dogmas, social pressure requires great self-efficacy
- working from the grassroots up, but working with structures (banks, religions, social systems)

Grameen Techonogy & Creative Center

Local institutions:
Microbusiness Mentors in Provo ($500 loan)
Different cultures operate differently, but the common denominator that works is WOMEN.
There are no "one size fits all" solutions.
Look at the household economy as well as the business perspective.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Design School: Stanford Stanford

Creating innovators (not innovations)

introduction to design thinking

1) design the ideal wallet (alone)
2) deisgn a "wallet" for your partner - push for stories, what can a wallet be? push the envelope

1-Design useful and meaningful, STart by gaining empathy
2- Articulate your current point of view - inventory possible needs and feelings
3- Define a problem statement (Ben needs a way to: ____ in a way that make him feel: ____)

4- Sketch 3-7 radical ways to meet your user's needs
5- Share ideas to partner and get feedback

Design is a process
Empathy - Define a Need - Ideate - Prototype - Test
Make Solutions - Show don't Tell - Get Feedback

* Bias toward action
* Human centered
* Mindful of process
* Culture of prototyping
* Show don't tell
* Radical collaboration

Keep it speedy - test the ideas out as early and often as possible.
Learning happens all the way through - get feedback often.
Pacing is important.
Keep teams with very different backgrounds working together to come up with cool solutions
Radical collaboration: people with totally different mindsets together because it helps us see it.

6- Build it out

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

23 Sept 2009: Systematic & Engaging Early Literacy Instruction

Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy Instruction
Barb Kolata

Story: workds that


Demonstrate an activity & Tell a story

Instructional Principles of Literacy
- explicit, systematic
- meaningful
- intense
- engaging
- interactive

How to Make a Cake
- Take flour
- Shake in
- Take Sugar and Salt
- Shake
- Make it together

Make Instruction Systematic and Explicit
- Follow developmental curriculum
- State the goal and model the desired behavior
- Highlight the target and provide sufficient emphasis (sound, dynamics) so children readily notice the pattern/rule
- Repeat with variation (make it absolutely clear

Letter-sound associations (M,B,T,S,F,PA) short
Phonological awareness: Recognize & generate rhythm
Provide relevant experience & highlight the target (situate the learning in a context)
Read and write about the experience (in controlled, systematic way)
Extend them and skills to other contexts
Any word play has meaning if you bring it back to a personal experience

Pack a sack (large or small group)
Engage in a shared reading about jack

- pack
- backpack
- on the back
- snacks
- snap
- crack
- stack
- jack
- track
- rack
- snackpak
- lacks
- back
- purposeful reasons for reading and writing

Make instruction meaningful
- create hands-on shared experiences to read, write and talk
- be responsive to contributions of learners - give turns, ask for input, take turns

- play with caps, tap your cap, map your cap
- shout, spout, pout, out

Make instruction intense
- provide frequent exposure to the target, repeat
- create time for turns (they like to watch others participate)
- use a variety of contexts (large, small, transitions)

Make is authentic to how the children shape their world
Embed Instruction Across Contexts
- routines, put away, get out materials

Tell, Read, Enact, Engage in scripted play ("Sheep Take a Hike")
- arrange for multiple opportunities for the learners to engage
- adjust telling to children's language levels
- meaning and skill-based instruction should match

Engaging and Playful
- hands-on materias
- capitalize on emotion
- use varied intonation, facial experssions, gestures
- be playful and energetcic
- implement varied activities

Capitalize on Varied Activities
- scripted play
- creative movement
- interactive routines (chants, songs, games, actions)
- story enactment
- dramatic story telling
- shared reading, interactive writing
- make and do projects
- taste test (tasting tasty toasty tortillas) - make a t
- make an f for free fun fish food

Read and take home text with parents
- language experience in a controlled codable text
- tell it rather than read it

Orchestrate reciprocal turn taking exchanges
- elaborate on student ideas
- use various communicative functions
- meaning making
- provide varied ways to respond

Social Constructivist
- letter-sound association is not until kindergarten
- start with a known (ock) sock, and move to an unknown (alk) chalk

Q: Is there a correllation between enthusiasm and age?
- energy level and successful teaching are interrelated
- activity clusters - teachers work together to create content
- this can be supplemental approach (even beyond preschool, kindergarten)

Teach Your Baby to Read
- Word recognition in context
- children do need to decode and some phonetics
- print awareness

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 Sep 2009 Getting to know the IPT Department

- seminar every Weds (12-1pm)
- soup kitchen every Weds after Seminar (1-2pm)


Steve Yanchar:
- Rethinking Critical Thinking
- Practical Invovlement with Conceptual Tools

Michael Bush:
- French, Inst Tech, Language Acquisition
- teach naked (don't use tech if you don't need it)

Richard Sudweeks:
- what has been learned and not learned
- advanced ed measurement, statistics
- reliability and validity, generalizability theory
- track learning from year to year
- concept maps to track learning

Rick West:
- Univ of Georgia, new faculty
- communities of practice - transferred to communities focused on innoation
- design, innovation to collaboratively design new things together
- collaboration for innovation, distance learning, online collaboration, social media
- participatory models of evaluation, involving stakeholders in that process

Charles Graham:
- blended learning environments (combining face to face with technology mediated instruction)
- asynchronous video in Hawaii to connect students with teachers (human interaction with tech)
- use of tech to enhance teaching and learning environments (not necessarily with tech)
- TPAC (describing relationship of Technology-Pedagogy-And-Content)

Peter Rich:
- Univ of Georgia
- how to use video annotation processes to review our teaching
- lateral transfer (one domain of knowledge impacting another domain of knowledge)
- programming duck hunt video game and learning critical math skills (or gaps)

Randy Davies:
- program evaluation and assessment
- improving our data collection instruments
- intentionality and agency - the true nature of the individuals involved and to help learning
- data analysis of distance ed

David Williams:
- evaluation compares what is to what should be
- we are always doing informal evaluation

David Wiley:
- graduate coordinator (next stop in chain before going to Dean's)
- social media, Open Education and policy (working with Jon Mott)
- increasing access to educational opportunity (digitized tools, licensing, copyright reform)
- sustainability of open ed programs, does access change enrollment?
- educational data mining (open ed high school) - to trigger and inform ed and curricula devpmt
- Access to Knowledge initiative (MSE Open Learning dept)

Andrew Gibbons:
- instructional design
- 18 years in industry
- what does it take to disseminate an idea
- very structured; compelled by the structure in designs

Harvey Black:
- proud and overwhelmed by the work that is going on
- originally here with Dave Merrill and himself
- frantically seeking funding to establish the program
- the goal was internships (you only really learn by doing the professional things)
- Teach Your Baby to Read ($14.95)