Friday, November 6, 2009

6 Nov 2009: John Seeley Brown

Group Study - Social Learning
Gradepoint average = predictors of "success"
We don't seem to ask deep questions about waht leads to sccess

The best market right now is for home schooling
People are desperate for content
Univ of Phoenix owned by Apollo (3B to 8B in the last 3 months)

There is a growing hunger right now for tools
People are fed up with what is not happening
Most universities don't enable teachers to help sutdents
BYU is great because it focuses on students

How important will certificates be in the future?
Instead, we'll be asked to show a portfolio of what has been done.
Render public our best stuff
People will want to know your ideas and what you've written through a highly intelligent conversation

"I've never looked at a transcript. I hire people based on what they've done. You learn in school how to play the game."

"The best kind of education is travel."
"Powerful byproduct of an LDS mission is the travel and extracurricular experience. You come back a changed person."

How do we institutionalize afterschool programs?
If you want to specialize in a certain area, travel to the place where the gurus are.
Worry less about certificates and degrees and more about what you're learning.

"personal research interests include the management of radical innovation, digital youth culture, digital media, and new forms of communication and learning."

* Submit articles to be published
* Mitch = take photos of his homes
* Check to see who else is doing this open ed resourcses for development?
* Beta release

World of Warcraft
- A massively multi-player online game (MMOG)
- Everquest
- Virtual spaces which both define and are defined by the players who inhabit them
- Social spaces where issues of community, meaning, and values are negotiated
- Sites of joint collective agency

* Classic meaning of community of practice
- joint work through face to face work
- average age is 28
- multigenerational, three generations (grandparents, parents, and kids)

* "The edge" = is often referred to as a knowledge economy
* To see the value of games, don't just look at the core of the game, but pay close attention to the 'social life' on the edge of the game.

* Manageing Knowledge in Creation Spaces
- Structure of filtering and feedback loops
- Problem: Knowledge is constantly changing
- Problem: too much information to reliably manage
- Guild structures allow for small groups (20-200) to test, filter, and disseminate information
- Mantra of WoW: "If I ain't learning, it ain't fun"
- Wikis, blogs, databases, blizzard forums, videos (tens of thousands of new entries a day)
- Helps players gain and create knowledge exponentially faster

Layering of Information Management
* Intra-guild communication
- Officers/Leaders to members
- Performance reviews

* guild to Guild communication
- High level strategy/discussion
- Joint problem solving
- Shared reousrces

* Dissemination and "bragging rights"

Dashboards and After Action Reviews
- WoW is way too complicated to play without complex analysis tools and dashboards
- These dashboards are nearly always ahndcrafted by each player & key to masterful play
- Static images are hugely simplified
- Will then show you waht they are like in real action
- 360 review: leaders are evaluated on same level as the others
- Born gamers: I want to be measured & I want to craft how I'm measured (last thing that employers ever expected to hear)
- People are playing through their dashboards, not through graphics, and these are largely constructed by themselves
- Exponential Learning (Palo Alto Resrach Center - PARC)- Trust-based INTERACTIONS amond environments are integral for Exponential Learning (Optimizing eh most expensive resource - people)

Triangle = Networks of imaginagion
1) Networked imagination (top of triangle = emergent from collective action)
2) Networks of Practice (bottom left of triangle = networks of practice)
3) Communities of Interest (bottom right of triangle = communities of interest)

State of joint in-dwelling
Platform of tacit knowledge across a virtual domain

Revlutionizing Yahoo and Google
A manager's job is to facilitate the poacher
find the best skll in the area - vote with your feet
people with the right project (seduction is okay and even encouraged)
you go there because you think that you can learn more there than any place in the universe

Every person in Google now has dashboards
Render public your knowledge and be accountable to what you say you'd do

Kindle (underline and annotate anything you read)

Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation (Cheif of Confusion)

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